Sometimes, no matter how hard you try to plan in advance, things just to not go according to schedule. Take my weekend in RI as an example. I should have known something was up when I called my grandparent's house from the bus to tell them I had arrived. Momma answered & she was yelling into the phone, but I could hardly make out a word she was saying. There was a very loud vacuum cleaner running in the background. When I entered her house a half hour later the deafening noise could still be heard, only I soon realized that it was a several water pumps. Eight full days & nights of torrential rains flooded my grandparents cellar. Family members all took turns trying to stay one step ahead of mother nature, but it was a losing battle. They'd suck up a puddle in one spot only to have water swoosh in from another. It was impossible to find the source of the leak. It rushed in from under the refrigerator, behind the stairs & even from the shower. This space is the center of my grandparents home. It's where all of the magical cooking takes place. The rain did finally cease the day after I arrived. The cellar's carpet was drenched & instantly began to smell of mildew. By day 3, I couldn't go anywhere near the basement. An instant allergic reaction would occur. To my horror, my grandparents couldn't smell anything out of the ordinary!! The odor hit you the moment you opened the door to their house. It made me & my mom gag, but Momma & Poppa didn't even notice it. They sat in the stinky cellar & ate lunch & didn't even flinch. Their sense of smell is totally gone, which also means the same may be said for their sense of taste! No wonder I'm struggling with this cookbook. So, no recipe testing was accomplished. The thought of deboning the smelts in the mold infested cellar made me want to barf. Our cooking date has been rescheduled to mid November. Weather permitting.
At 8:10 AM,
Dawn Falcone said…
Testing comments. Testing comments. Testing comments. Testing comments. Testing comments. Testing comments. Testing comments. Testing comments.